• There are growing pains that come with each new developmental stage from infancy to late adulthood.
  • There are hardships in trying to make it in life as an adult when earlier emotional needs and developmental milestones were not met.
  • There are internal conflicts when biological impulses clash with personal values and morals.
  • There are everyday stressors that come with juggling family, work, and self interests.
  • There are traumatic events like divorces, deaths, crimes, war and violence.
  • There are states of overwhelm, like panic, rage, depression, and dissociation.


UnknownOnce you do that, you can give yourself a break and have some compassion for yourself. Then, with intention you can focus on getting your life on the track you want, one step at a time.  The problem is, that it is usually an uphill battle to try this on your own.  That is why one self-help book is never enough and another is always being sought. As social animals, we need relationships in which we feel safe and secure in order to heal and grow. And, we need our healing and growth processes to be witnessed and recognized.  Otherwise, progression does not happen and we keep feeling stuck.


The psychotherapy process works successfully when you and a therapist develop a strong working tie and when the therapy environment respects the natural developmental process and the human struggle toward health. Psychotherapy works, in part, by building those areas of the self that were thwarted, derailed, wounded, or injured.

Psychotherapy can be short-term or long-term, but it is not endless. Short-term psychotherapy will focus more on behavioral changes and resource-building. Long-term psychotherapy will focus on understanding motivations and emotional habits, and on correcting faulty assumptions and self-sabotaging behaviors interfering with healthy relationships, productivity, and feeling good about oneself.

Psychotherapy is not one-sided, with you shouldering the responsibility for “doing all the work.” Neither is it one-sided with the therapist giving you a “magic solution” that fixes everything. Both you and the therapist work together to bring about your goals and hopes in a measured and respectful manner.